


Sociedade de Turismo e Diversões de Macau
Project Development & Management

The development consists of three different uses: residence, hotel and gaming area. The unique building is generated based on functional requirements and existing site conditions. The sense of simplicity and layering are the main design approach throughout the whole building. In addition, the idiosyncratic curtain wall design creates a sculptural sense to this exclusive piece of architecture.

In the typical layout, the residential units and service apartments is arranged in an "L" shape plan at the upper levels of the building, in order to maximize sea view and increase privacy. The clubhouse and refuge floor, which is located below the residential units and service apartments, serve as a division to the underneath hotel area, as well as emphasizing the identity of residence and hotel. The placement of the gaming area at lower levels facilitates public circulation and increases the efficiency of the space.

@2025 Rocco Design Studio